Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 51

'Twas the night before cabinets, and everything's quiet. All is in wait for the impending riot. We're all locked and loaded for the big event, and waiting to see what happens next.

We got our sink and faucet today (in the mail) and --of course-- the faucet is broken. It has one of those built-in sprayer nozzles (see our poll) and it won't lock in place. Oh, the wonders of internet shopping.

I spent the night trying to pull crap of the deck, as we are having deck sealing and tuckpointing on Monday. This is not an attempt at financial suicide. Its a condo building project that I have been pushing back for more than a month. Now that its getting nice and people want to use their decks I couldn't see putting it off any longer. And since all the stored appliances, etc. should be back inside by Friday its no problem. Or that's what i keep telling myself.

While I through out old wiring conduit and 73 tubes of caulk (I think our door is held on by caulk) DeeDee emptied the kitchen and washed the floor like seven times. All we need now is a handful of Serbs and a truckload of cabinets.

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